- Boost
- OpenCV
- libtiff, libpng, libjpeg, openjpeg
- wxwidgets
- libhdf5, netCDF
- OpenSceneGraph
- expat
- QT (Qt4)
- protobuf
Here's the problem though. They don't distribute headers or any kind of SDK. They also patch the softwares and don't release the diffs causing all kinds of breakage. They end up making it impossible to use these libraries in mex files. But they are using more of these libraries and others like them as time goes on and breaking more and more mex files and codebases as time goes forward. Why are they including everything under the sun and not providing a way to use it? What do they have to gain by not shipping headers? Do they think this is sustainable? How frustrating and greedy!
Please mathworks, include the freaking headers, make these libraries continue to be usable in mex files.
And update your copy of HDF5.